House or Home?

House or Home?

House or Home?

How do your surroundings make you feel?...

How would your life be different if you could apply colour in a way to motivate or inspire you? What would change in your living environment, if you could move a few items or paint a wall a colour that lifts you up or encourages you? Or, what if you could change a few things and be able to sell your home more quickly? Even more specifically:

What would it feel like to walk into your house and have it feel like home?

If you're getting ready to downsize, decorate or sell your home, then the process can feel daunting without a guideline. As well, if you're wanting to create a home that feels inviting, welcoming and engaging...that too can feel overwhelming if you don't know how to pick colours, combine textures, fabrics, deciding on styles, and deal with good space planning.

Consider letting me be your staging and decorating coach...

I incorporate a mindful and holistic approach to my client's projects and consultations. I bring experience in life coaching and counseling, alongside any of my artistic ones.

I truly appreciate the history of the home, along with the people within. I try to create a beautiful home, rather than just a beautiful house. I work often with seniors, those going through a loss or transition, and those who are downsizing; and my skill set allows me to help guide them towards their new goals.

For example: When I do tasks like redecorating a child's bedroom into a new office, I'm not just sensitive to the past, but I can also create a room organized for that client's learning style and personality. If I'm helping a seller or realtor do paint colour-coordination or staging, then I not only apply basic interior design and selling techniques, but also incorporate feng shui and other therapeutic modalities. Other times, I'm needed more as the cheerleader and (life) coach, as I help a family let go of their loved-ones belongings, so they can reclaim an area to make it their own.

Basically I understand and use the aesthetic reasoning behind art and design; but also the practical and therapeutic ones.

If someone is only interested in whether I’m an “Autocad Master,” sorry, I'm not your person. (Though I do work in Chief Architect.) If you want someone who is going to understand why you like a certain colour; need to do a specific filing system to help you stay organized; or even help you through emptying out your mother's closets and belongings, and then updating the entire place so you can get her house sold at the highest price!...Then, that's what I can offer. :)

I’m a doer, and I like to be hands-on. I love seeing change. My realtors don't care if I can operate certain software programs all day long. They care about whether I can make a home beautiful and with good space flow, so the house gets sold quickly. My clients want me to be able to colour-coordinate paint choices, so they feel good every time they walk in their door, or help them understand what feng shui can do for their furniture choices and space flow.

Learning how colour works, and applying it to our lives, we can benefit dramatically. Colour can be applied energetically through meditations, physically through forms of art...and even while choosing wall colour or fabrics, to create a happy environment. Learning to work with colour can increase creativity and awareness in your world. By using colour, energy, and other life coaching techniques, we can create a platform to make transitions easier!

Perhaps you don’t need the roadmap to a specific destination or goal; but rather, simply knowing where you want to start your journey, changes everything. Even if you’re not sure where to start, I can provide detailed guidelines where I will coach you step-by-step, for great results!

If you’re interested in learning how to apply colour in your world to bring about more clarity, or if you're interested in creating a home environment that brings you peace and joy, it's easy to get started.

Consider Letting Me Be Your Staging & Decorating Coach

Consider Letting Me Be Your Staging & Decorating Coach